Friday, April 29, 2011

Obama a U.S. Citizen? Still Waiting for Real Proof

Crankyjewishguy (CJG) still isn't satisfied that Barack Obama is a "natural born citizen" of the United States eligible to hold the office of president despite release of his long-form birth certificate. In fact, the release of that official looking document raises more questions than it answers. CJG thinks Obama needs to prove a few more things. Like whether Hawaii is actually part of the United States. CJG is sure that the 50 or 60% of Republicans who doubted the president is an American would agree with him that it's awfully suspicious that somehow, just two years before Obama was born, Hawaii was made a state. Isn't there something a little too convenient about the timing? Is there any reason to believe that Hawaii statehood wasn't just another part of the plot, hatched by a clever bunch of Kenyans, to make Obama president fifty years later? And where's the title to those islands? In what registry of deeds? Huh? What about that, Donald? Shouldn't we demand to see the deed signed by King Kamehameha? And who's to say "the president" was "natural born?" For all we know he was delivered by Caesarian section which isn't natural at all. (Luckily for the Donald the Constitution says nothing about "natural born hair.") Anyone can wave an official looking document around. Look at this thing? Does it look convincing to you?

C'mon, Mr. President, show us some real proof!

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