Monday, June 6, 2011

Weiner's Wiener: No Parallel to the Christopher Lee Scandal

When it was revealed that (former) Republican Congressman Chris Lee of New York had sent shirtless photos of himself to a woman over the Internet, readers of crankyjewishguy (CJG) will recall that CJG was in high dudgeon over his outlandish behavior, conduct that forced Lee's resignation. Now that Democratic Congressman Anthony Weiner has been caught sending pictures of his wiener around on the Internet, CJG has been silent. Now, some of you may suspect CJG of a liberal bias here, but you would be wrong. There's a big difference between these two cases. Everyone wants to see a picture of a Jewish wiener. Trust CJG, there's a big difference between a Jewish weiner from Brooklyn and that other one. You can even measure it with a ruler.