From the "Did He Really Say That Department," former Speaker of the House and presidential aspirant Newt Gingrich told the Christian Broadcasting Network that his past extramarital affairs were the result of his loving his country so much. Don't believe crankyjewishguy (CJG)?
Then see for yourself. One of the wives he cheated on, by the way, was suffering from cancer. Can you imagine how much you'd have to love your country to do that? There are young women and men dying on battlefields half way around the world because they love their country, and others working with the poor or marginalized. But old Newt really made the ultimate sacrifice and a grateful nation thanks him. CJG is sure Newt's excuse will meet with widespread acceptance by American voters, especially the right wing zealots Newt is courting. After all, they were able to embrace Bristol Palin's teenage out of wedlock pregnancy for the simple reason that she didn't have an abortion. Thus, according to the logic, she personified the "family values" they claim to cherish so much. And Newt was, after all, just trying to start new families.
Funny, he doesn't look Jewish. |
For another Republican hypocrite, we turn to New York Congressman Peter King, the one holding hearings on the radicalization of American Muslims, a hearing that smells like Act 2 of the McCarthy hearings. What makes King such a hypocrite here is that he was
an ardent supporter of the Irish Republican Army, the terror group behind numerous deadly terrorist attacks in Britain in the late 20th century. But, as King explained, the IRA didn't target Americans and he since he loves America, who cares? Seriously: are these people for real?
Funny, he doesn't look Jewish, either. |
They are, sadly, for real and, worse yet, immensely popular.