Last night, Mitt Romney, the former governor of crankyjewishguy's (CJG) adopted home state of Massachusetts, who rolls like a tumbleweed through America (i.e. whichever way he thinks the political wind is blowing), once again blasted President Obama on the economy. Apparently, Mitt was at one of his vacation homes outside the solar system when Bush was president because since Obama took office the stock market has nearly doubled, the 800,000 jobs a month we were losing at the end of Bush's second term has been turned into job creation, most recently 190,000 new jobs last month, and unemployment, while still high, is the lowest it's been in two years.
Mitt Romney in New Hampshire turning right. |
CJG didn't see last night's event, but if Mitt was true to form he was tying himself in rhetorical knots trying to explain to the right wing zealots he's now courting that the universal health care plan with a public option he put in place as governor doesn't preclude his being a fierce critic of the Obama plan, which is quite similar to the Massachusetts plan except that it doesn't have a public option because that, of course, would be like turning the United States into the Soviet Union with its gulags, death panels and Siberian work camps.
This Ken doll's constant shape-shifting is embarrassing to everyone except himself because Mitt's only bedrock conviction is that he deserves to be president. CJG will give him this, however: he stands one great head of hair above the other obvious contenders for the GOP nomination, but CJG is waiting to see how answers the three inevitable question that will determine whether he has what it takes to appeal to today's modern Republican voter: (1) which country, outside the United States, did Barack Obama grow up in; (2) on what day in history did God put human beings, fully formed, on Earth, and (3) why did God make the Earth flat when round would have been so much more practical?
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