If you came here today expecting another finely honed blog post from crankyjewishguy (CJG), he's afraid you're going to be disappointed because it was 82 degrees in New Orleans yesterday and after two months of blogging daily, he decided to take a day off. So, try again tomorrow and CJG will see what he can throw together from the Big Easy. CJG appreciates your patronage and your patience.
(That's a gefilte fish.) |
My son was reading one of his law books on a folding chair in Audobon Park, across from the Tulane campus when an alligator waddled up on shore. The Animal Control Officers who arrived explained that sometimes the creatures get washed out of their usual haunts, or sometimes a rogue male just goes on a walkabout. So be careful when fishing down there; don't wade, don't reach over the side of the boat. In fact, don't go fishing at all. Stroll around the French Quarter with a hand grenade and listen to some blues...